Dec 18, 2010 22:22
Joy of joys, I am sick. I am quite displeased at staying home tonight instead of going to Crier PJ party, or to my aunt's gathering. But I figure, if I stay in tonight, then maybe, just maybe I will be well enough to skate tomorrow. I really dont want to skip it. It means a lot to me right now to feel like I have a decent chance of making fresh meat. I just dont want to feel like I suck or am off balance. last week bit with 2 weeks off. Too wobbly, although my stops were way better. I wish I had someone to practice my blocking with during the week. Getting in close enough when i have had time off is more difficult. I still dont skate backwards well. And that's on the flat. On the bank track? Forget it. Ugh. I need to get more time in on my skates. I feel like I'm freaking out before a test for these try outs, and I guess it sort of is. I dont have the date yet. I should ask about that tomorrow.