I dunno if anyone reads this anymore or not. Sigh our move here and my health recently have combined to conspire and make us miss FC for the first time in years. Life happens but that doesnt mean I have to like it. There are lots of nice furs here and many new friends and the monthly meet we have plus the monthly fursuit workshop that taku and I host are lots of fun!
We are prepping for furry fiesta and hope to have my new suit done by then but just to show off something I am VERY proud of..
Here is the new suit I just finished for Calafin..I cannot take all the credit Taku and I worked on it though he was my inspiration and motiovator he did the paws and feet , the body and head I did and the tail is our co invention its moveable. I never thought I could ever do anything like this but pet showed me I can he is awesome!
So here we go..introducing Knightshayde..the Black Panther ..
Hope you all approve!