I said several days ago that whilst I wouldn't be posting daily during April, I would endeavour to post more often. And that had indeed been my intent.
However, 'things' conspired. Well one thing in particular: Windows 11 on a new laptop.
As some of you may remember I never really took to Windows 7 and in fact managed to tweak it to look and act as close to XP as I could. In fact, by the time I had given in and been 'forced' to get Windows 7, it was only a short time before Windows 10 came out. What can I say, I'm not a huge fan of change *g* I can still remember someone (I think it might have been
mrlnpndrgn) saying if I didn't like Windows 7, I'd hate Windows 10.
Once I had Windows 7 to 'suit me' I hung on and hung onto it, not wanting to upgrade. However, more sites, etc. I used regularly kept giving me niggles and everything was running a lot slower and even I came to the conclusion I would have to bite the proverbial and get Windows 11. I decided at the same time to get a new laptop as well. This was because a) laptops can be very 'funny' when it comes to updating operating systems (not always, but quite often) and b) my laptop never seemed to recover from the glass of water I managed to pour over it some time last year. So I doubly bit the bullet.
I am mostly happy with my new laptop, well I am since J managed to sort my F keys so that F5 refreshed the screen (I use that function so much when on the web) rather than having to use the Fn key & F5. I'd tried (following instructions) multiple times and failed, so he tried and voilà. I'm still getting used to the keyboard as there are a couple of keys that aren't quite in the same place as my previous laptop and being a touch typist, that can lead to fun - mostly when I want to press 'enter/line space on the right hand side and end up pressing the # key - not good when it comes to putting in passwords *g*). But overall, I'm happy with said laptop.
As for Windows 11 - yes, well that is another story. I am not exactly over the moon about it. I know part of it is down to the fact I've lived with XP/Windows 7 for so long and I hate change. But it also doesn't seem logical in many things - ah, wait 'logical' and 'Microsoft' that says it all. One big problem is that I have always had my task bar at the top of the screen (it drives J mad and used to cause 'fun' when the tech people at the OU used to come to do something on my computer as they couldn't find it *g*). With Windows 11, you can't just drag said task bar around. It can be moved, by doing something in the bios (which J would do - I don't 'do' bios *g*). But MS strongly advises against it. So I am trying (very trying *g*) not to give in. I believe I have seen there is some add-on thing you can buy that will transform Windows 11 back to XP or 7 and if I really can't get to grips with how 11 looks and feels I shall look into that.
The biggest issue at the moment is a problem with my email programme. I use Thunderbird and I use an old version (I didn't like the new one - there's a patten there). I was, however, prepared to put the up-to-date version on. I did, but when I imported my email, all I got was blank emails. So I am now trying to sort that out. Which leaves me at the moment without email on my new laptop. I have got it on my other laptop, but without getting uncomfortable I can't read/reply to it at the moment. That's why I haven't replied to any LJ comments for a few days.
doylebaby I have received your email and I will reply to it as soon as possible.
I still haven't written this week's 'Six word drabble' so that is my main aim for today.
I shall be back on LJ properly ASAP.