Compared to most 'things I've done' lists that I've read, I've done absolutely nothing. My life must be so boring. However, I thought I'd give it a go anyway. Half of mine relate to the same topic - my years in amateur dramatics. So if you need something to make to sleep, read on.
- Was used as a human shield by a male psychiatric patient whilst a female one came at him with a piece of wood with nails in it - the rest of the ward, staff and patients, were playing rounders several feet away.
- Climbed along the outside of a bridge that was being constructed over a railway line, rather than use the proper footpath. Given that I am not an adventurous, fearless person, I still (thirty years later) cannot believe I really did this - but I did.
- Passed out a third of the way down a flight of concrete stairs at collage and survived with little more than temporary amnesia and minor concussion.
- Tried, and sadly failed, everything I could think of to get out of taking a group of children/young people to the theatre to see a pantomime. I hate pantos!
- Went out, for several months, with a man when I was nineteen/twenty who was more than thirty-five years older than me.
- Played the Snow Queen at the age of five sans my two front teeth.
- Nearly stabbed someone in the front row of the audience, when a knife I was throwing down as part of my role, missed the desk and flew off the stage.
- Spent an entire play with my dress having to be held together by my 'fiancé' as the hooks and eyes were so old, they wouldn't grip.
- Drank real home-made wine on stage - lots of it - and still remembered all my lines.
- Had to completely 're-write' an entire scene, whilst playing it in front of an audience to cover up for the fact that I couldn't get the pack of cards I needed for the scene out of the desk, as the stage manager had put the desk on the stage the wrong way round.