I have completed another Fanfic Challenge -
narrative_x_10 for Raffles/Bunny
Raffles/Bunny Narrative x 10 Table STATISTICS
First story posted: 17th December 2012
Last story posted: 18th September 2013
It took me longer than I had originally thought it would take me. However, that's partly because I gave myself an additional challenge that all ten stories had to be at least 15,000 words long. And I did complete another Raffles/Bunny challenge during this period.
Word counts:
Total # of words: 252,965
Longest story: 53,685
Shortest story: 17,150
Average story length: 25,297
Story ratings:
PG-13 = 01
R = 09
And the kind Mod has already made me a banner *g*