Fiction. Two Times Ducky Said No And One Time He Said Yes

Aug 20, 2012 12:04

TITLE: Two Times Ducky Said No And One Time He Said Yes
AUTHOR: Ashleigh Anpilova
PAIRING: Leroy Jethro Gibbs/Donald 'Ducky' Mallard
GENRE: Slash
SUB-GENRE: Established Relationship
SUMMARY: Gibbs asks Ducky a question three times.
SPOILERS: 'Till Death Do Us Part'
DISCLAIMER: I don't own these characters, nor am I making any money from them. I merely borrow them from time to time.

"No, Jethro." Ducky spoke the words softly and smiled as he put his hand over Jethro's.

Jethro stared in amazement across the candlelit table. He couldn't believe what he'd just heard; he'd fully expected Ducky to say 'yes'. After all, it was what Ducky had always wanted, wasn't it? He blinked several times and even shook his head desperately trying to clear away the disbelief at the refusal. "But why, Duck?" he finally managed.

Ducky sighed softly. The candlelight made him look younger, less world-weary. "Because, my dear, the time is not right."

Jethro continued to stare at him. Finally he said, "You do want to marry me, don't you, Duck? I mean I haven't got it wrong all these years?"

"Oh, yes, my dear," Ducky's tone was almost bright. "Of course I wish to marry you, I wish for nothing more. But the time is not right."

"Yeah, so you said. Care to explain what you mean?"

"Jethro, we have just buried Jennifer."

"Know that, I was there." Jethro reached for his wine glass and downed the contents in one long swallow.

Ducky tightened the grip he had on Jethro's hand. "Jennifer was the only woman, other than dear Shannon, you truly loved. The only woman I feared I would," he paused for a moment, picked his own wine glass up and took a sip, "lose you to. And as such I do not believe the evening of her funeral is the right time for you to make such a momentous decision. No, Jethro," he said as Jethro opened his mouth to argue. "I am right. I have given you my answer; now let us enjoy the rest of the evening. Let us drink a toast to Jennifer."

"No, Jethro." Ducky spoke the words softly and smiled as he put his hand over Jethro's.

Jethro stared across the candlelit table into Ducky's blue eyes that regarded him with so much love he felt unworthy. He sighed softly turned his hand and linked his fingers with Ducky's. "So what's wrong with my timing this time, Duck?" he asked with a hint of resignation in his tone.

Ducky smiled at him. "Being reunited with your father for the first time in many years has naturally caused you conflicting emotions. No, Jethro, it has. And amongst those emotions will be thoughts of Shannon and Kelly and you want to reach out to something solid, something known, something reassuring. Me. Tonight is not the right time for you to make such a momentous decision. No, Jethro," he said as Jethro opened his mouth to argue. "I am right. I have given you my answer; now let us enjoy the rest of the evening. Let us drink a toast to your father."

"Yes, Jethro." Ducky spoke the words softly and smiled as he put his hand over Jethro's.

Jethro stared across the candlelit table and blinked. He'd been sure Ducky would say 'no' again. "Duck? You did just say yes, didn't you?"

"Yes, Jethro. Why do you ask?"

"Just that I was sure you'd say no."

"Ah," Ducky took a sip of wine. "Yes, I can quite understand why, given I have refused the last twice you asked me, you would think that. It is quite logical that you would think that."

"It is?"

"Oh, yes, my dear. However, the reasons which made you believe I would say 'no' are in fact the reasons I am saying 'yes'. If the events of the last few weeks have taught us anything, it is that life is far too short - something I have always known, but never really . . . Ah, I am rambling, am I not?" He smiled at Jethro.

"You think?"

"I could have died on the beach, Jethro. Timothy could have died in the squad room. Abigail and you could have died in her lab. Ziva and Anthony could have died in the elevator - oh, don't look like that, Jethro, I am quite certain that is not a mistake they will ever make again, not after the lecture you gave them."

Jethro shrugged. "They were damn fools, Duck. They're seasoned law enforcement people, what the hell did they think they were playing at? What - Sorry," he muttered as Ducky stared unblinkingly at him.

"As I was saying, any of us, all of us, could have died. That sobers one rather and makes one look at things in a different way. Maybe I should say 'no' again, but I am not going to. I will marry you, Jethro; I will marry you as soon as you wish me to."


"I think a Sunday may not be possible," Ducky chuckled softly. "But as soon as what needs to be done to allow us to marry is done, then that is the day I will marry you."

fanfic: stories, fandom: ncis, pairing (slash): gibbs/ducky

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