Feb 03, 2012 12:19
- Thu, 14:46: Oh, look they've changed PhotoBucket AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!! *Bangs head on laptop*
- Thu, 14:58: @ yehwellwhatever I'm sorry to hear the first month of @ gywo didn't go as well as you'd hoped for. I hope things improve.
- Thu, 15:04: @ yehwellwhatever I was just under 300 words short of what I should have hit, so I'm quite happy.
- Thu, 15:19: @ yehwellwhatever Well at least look at it this way, it's a lot more than a great number of people write.
- Thu, 15:55: I have finished 84/200 stories for the Mission Insane challenge - but only complete two out of the twenty tables.
- Thu, 16:06: @ yehwellwhatever You do like your WiPs! *Sends finishing vibes your way* Are the 5 or 6 you've completed for one table?
journal: twitter