Jan 08, 2012 13:07
- Сб, 13:14: Gosh, I've just discovered I haven't written the last 22 NCIS Drabble prompts. Hmmm.
- Сб, 13:22: Eeek. Make that 26!
- Сб, 13:28: @ thetellyho I know. I can't believe I missed that many :-( How's you today?
- Сб, 13:33: @ thetellyho I am indeed planning on catching up. Yay, glad to hear it. Er, any minor ones?
- Сб, 13:39: @ thetellyho Oh, I loved classic Hawaii. I've never seen the new on, well apart from a few clips that left me cold, but the original . . .
- Сб, 13:39: @ thetellyho Jack Lloyd was one of my early crushes *g*
- Сб, 16:16: @ ashleyillya Not that late though *g*
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