We finally, finally have reliable cable internet again for the first time in over a year. CO is probably a beautiful state, but we drove up in the dark so all I have seen is Colorado Springs. It is still a beautiful town though, so I'm extrapolating from there. I'll put up some pictures.
Oh, and fuck Flagstaff, too. Turns out that our landlord "thought the old apartment was trashed," and "had to replace the carpets," so he basically stole my security deposit--my $1050 security deposit--to redecorate. Oh yeah, and I had to drop $650 on my car a week after we got here. So I'm broke and have no job yet, hah. Sunday is even more broke and has a job that only schedules her for 8 hours a week. But it's still about 10,000 times better than AZ so far, so hey, who needs a job?
Anyways, here's some
The front of the house
The living room
The back yard
We don't have any furniture all over again, hah.
Here's a mountain
And for fun, a picture of a hummingbird I took on the mountain