I think Summer is here...It's hott and humid...YAY?...Wait now it's raining.
But last monday was fun..
I finally finished school for now...I graduated from AIU ONLINE with my Associate's Degree in Business Administration.
Work is good. Very Busy lately. Painting, moving...Preparing for our grand opening event sometime in June. I got a promotion about 2 weeks ago with a nice raise AND a trip to SAN FRANCISCO for a three day training. I'm going to stay a week and take JOEY with me. YAY! VACA! ....AND ...They got me a new computer for my office on Friday, A DELL with a 19' Flat screen. How Lovely.
Apartment Update: So far so good. Everything is settling in just fine. Got a new couch, the futon was just a piece of shit and wasn't going to hold any longer. Oh well the couch was free from my work, so we went to WAL*MART to buy a cover for it...it only cost $70!!!! Cheaper than a new couch I Guess?
In other news...
I got a call from the PRIDE. yes...Nashua Pride Baseball
They got their message board working again..so I reprogrammed it and ran it for opening weekend.
well that's it for now...Hugs!
-Mr. Naked Sports