**my grandpa is really sick if he goes to the ER one more time.. well idk how much i can take being so worried .. **i find i am completly obsessed w/ lost prphets - last train home.. ** so valentines day is monday.. <3 u all!! **dana - EVEN WEN U CANT C HIM GOD IS BEING A FUCKING ASSHOLE lmao dana i luv u haha that was great ** i miss dan.. but im hangin out w/ him 2moro.. : ) **lately i have felt so.. out of it?? idk ever just feel bad for sum1.. --not even knoing who ur thinkg about-- or just depressed about everything because of nothing.. well yeah ** up north right now.. b back 2moro
x. Slept in your bed: haha i mean me..
x. Saw you cry: myself.. fucking mirrors
x. Made you cry: not who... what
x. Spent the night with: i dont really remember i liv w/ ashley tho :)
x. You shared a drink with: my mom
x. You went to the movies with: dana, ashley k, dan, david, n whoever
x. You went to the mall with: dana ashley k n dan
x. Sent you an email: my old friend nikki (gregory)
x. You kissed: dan
x. Said "I Love You" and meant it: yeah
x. Been to New York: no
x. Florida: no.. end of this skool year!!
x. California: no im lammmme
x. Hawaii: no
x. China: all the fucking time
x. Canada: no
x. Danced naked: of course lmao alison, nah i dotn sry
x. Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: yeah!!..omg
x. Said you were the opposite sex: lmao to scare a little kid one time
x. Red or blue: RED DUHHH
x. Spring or Fall: spring
x. Last time you went out of the state: summer
x. Do you have a crush on someone: no.. i got dan
x. What book are you reading now: catalyst
x. What is the first thing you think when you wake up: leave me the fuck alone whoever woke me up
x. How many rings before you answer: huh?? o!! the phone untill i c caller id
x. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: nah
x. If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be?: i wish i was good enought o b a model.. lawyer??
x. Are you a lefty, righty or ambidextrous: right handed righty soudns gay sry
x. Do you type with your fingers on the right keys: nope not at all really
x. What's under your bed: pants lol
x. College plans: omg i hasv no idea what im gdoing w/ my life i swere
x. Boyfriend/Girlfriend: i have both..
x. Do you do drugs: nah im good
x. Do you drink: yeah**
x. Who is your best friend: dana
best sister - ashley k
x. What kind of shampoo and conditioner do you use: whatever i grab
x. What are you most scared of: cottons balls and clowns
x. What clothes do you sleep in: w/e i put on..
x. Who is the last person who called you: i dotn rmeber
x. Where do you want to get married: idk..
x. Favorite number: 7 or 21..
x. What type automobile do you drive?: i dont im lame
x. Are you timely or always late: idk.. whatever i feel like being
x. Do you have a job: no..
x. Do you like being around people: right now?? only one..
x. Best feeling in the world: laughing n being seriosuly happy
x. Are you a health freak: im not shur??
x. Have you ever loved someone you had no chance with: yeah but i guess i was wrong about that
x. Have you ever cried over something someone of the opposite sex did: yeah i gotta admitt it
x. Do you have a "type" of person you always go after: no i really dont
x. Are you lonely right now: im not realy shur..
x. Ever afraid you'll never get married: i neevr really thoght about it
x. Ever want kids?: hmm..
x. Room in house: not really a room but my bed
x. Type(s) of music: whatever i feel like lsieting to
x. Band: omg i do not know at all
x. Memory: the one w/ the frog/corey/josh/me/tamlyn/hallway/bathroom.. longs story ask if u wanna its hillarious
x. Day of the week: saturday
x. Color: black or red
x. Perfume or cologne: cologne all the way
x. Cried: yeah
x. Bought something: gum..
x. Gotten sick: yeah
x. Sung: yeah
x. Wanted to tell someone you loved them: yeah
x. Met someone new: yeah
x. Moved on: no??
x. Missed someone: yeah!!
x. Hugged someone: ive been hugged
x. Kissed someone: no..:(
x. Fought with your parents: hell yeah.. 24/7
x. Had a lot of sleep: no.. not at all..
x.been drunk: yeah
x.smoked pot: nah..
x.kissed a member of the opposite sex: DUHHHHH
x.kissed a member of the same sex: yeah
x.crashed a friend's car: lmao my brothers friend bretts truck ALMOST
x.ridden in a taxi: no
x.had anal sex: omg ew never n never will
x.been in love: i dont know
x.Had Sex: well.. j/m not yet
x.shoplifted: yeah
x.been fired: nooo
x.been in a fist fight: yeah
x.had a threesome: all the time.. j/m.. no
x.been tied up (sexually): damn it dana i mean.. no
x.been arrested: not really
x.made out with a stranger: no
x.lied to a friend: yeah
x.had a crush on a teacher: no
x.been to europe: no
x.skipped school: yeah
x.slept with a co-worker: no
x.had sex at the office: every tues-.. no
x.been married: yes
x.had children: yes.. a flamingo??.. dont ask long story
x.stripped at a party: partially
x.literally crawled to your house drunk, even if just from across the street: lol
x.jumped off a bridge: yeah i hit 7 cars.. nooo
x.gone surfing: no
x.skinny dipped: yeah