Jan 06, 2010 18:43
Someone in NY is making fradulent charges on my ATM card. How they got the number, I do not know, but now I have to go in tomorrow to get a temporary debit card and wait for a permanent one.
Thank god my bank caught it, but it's just frustrating. There are 3 $1.00 charges at a gasoline station, but they were used them for pay-at-the-pump, which means they could be worth 50 or 60 dollars in the next few days. I just have to call and let my bank know how much they are for to get them removed, but I'm pissed because it's an inconvenience I didn't need!
They also checked my account ballance at some point today. Again, thank god my bank caught it. Now, though, I have to change my account number at the few places that use my card for recurring payments, and I don't know if I even remember which ones those are.
So, like I said, son of a...BITCH!