shit i'm bored thanx amber aka my fake sis

Jul 05, 2004 02:08

3 things you can do:
1. skateboard
2. dirtbike
3. make people smile

2 of your best friends:
1. dan,shawn,nick
2. jason,kyle,scott
3. ryan,joey,clint

3 things you wish you could do:
1. be a ninja
2. and a pirate
3. be pro at anything

3 shows you watch all the time:
1. anything on fuel tv
2. Real World
3. food network

3 shows you watched when you were little:
1. rocket power
2. rugrats
3. power rangers

3 things youre addicted to:
1. beautiful girl
2. awesome songs
3. the sweet loving of my friends

3 people you care about:
1. all my friends
2. all my family
3. and my fellow pcp skaters

3 things you cant live without:
1. food durrrrr
2. comp
3. friends

3 of your strong points:
1. i dont get mad eazy
2. i will help people out
3. i dont give up

3 of your favorite boys names:
1. landen
2. alex lol
3. and i dunno

3 of your favorite girls names:
1. brittany
2. rehgan
3. i'm only good for two

3 things everyone should listen to:
1. me
2. my friends
3. me

3 things no one should listen to:
1. security haah fuckersssss
2. cops
3. teachers fuckin eh

3 things you say all the time:
1. you know it
2. i'm over it
3. chickenhead

3 words to describe your look:
1. awesome
2. sexxxy
3. to die for

3 ways to describe your personality:
1. words
2. cant
3. explain

3 things you want to do before you die:
1. have my own clothing company
2. be rich
3. have a hot wife and kids

3 things on your desk:
1. cell phone
2. digital camera
3. comp

3 things you hate:
1. people who like emo and thats it
2. mean people
3. stupid people

3 things you love:
1. the fam
2. the friends
3. couch commando's

3 things that scare you:
1. old people driving
2. spiders
3. crazy freak spazz moments from my friends

3 people who make you chuckle:
1. dan bein stern with the ho's
2. shawn bein shawn
3. me tryin to be hard

3 people who are so very cool:
1. pcp skate crew
2. wezel wear bike co crew
3. nor state mafia crew
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