Best of 2007

Feb 17, 2008 01:28

Been wanting to do a fav for '07 but kept forgetting, but since I saw Jeffrey do one I got inspired.
1. There Will Be Blood (One word Daniel Day-Lewis)
2. Zodiac (For strong performances and stark, dark direction)
3. Superbad (foul-mouthed, supremely hilarious comedy)
4. Knocked up (For vulgar sex jokes and genuine heart)
5. Sicko (It's informative AND entertaining)
6. Into the wild (laden with breathtaking vistas, themes of freedom and loneliness, and a performance by Emile Hirsch that'll break your heart)
7. Eastern Promises (Viggo's Russian accent is flawless, as is his performance)
8. American Gangster (Washing & Crowe great performances)
9. The King of Kong (the most fascinating, entertaining documentary of the year)
10. TIE
Juno (quirky, angsty, beautifully written flick) No country for old men (The Coen brothers returned with a bang and a whole lotta blood, crafting this fiercely tense masterpiece that rivals 'Fargo' and 'Blood Simple)

Video Games
1. Bioshock (Amazing graphics, Story, delivers the most eerie environments and shocking moments in a video game to date)
2. God Of war 2 (close #1 I love this game)
3. Call Of Duty 4 (The Best shooter I’ve played, along with very intense game play and superb graphics
4. Super Mario Galaxy (This game simply put, the best game for the Wii, with amazing animations to the top notch musical score)
5. Guitar Hero III (Great fun and the online rocked) NEED TO PLAY ROCK BAND!

TV Shows
1. 30 Rock (Amazing show, Alec Baldwin is hilarious)
2. The Sopranos (The final season was a great run all the way to the 30 sec Black screen ending that left a lot of viewers wondering what HAPPENED!)
3. Pushing Daisies (Tons of fun and great characters)
4. Planet Earth (gorgeous 11-part series, illuminating every corner of the natural world)
5. Lost Season 3 (Started out slow for the first 6 episodes took a 2 week break and came back with a bang all the way to the season finale with the first FLASH forward, instead of the usual flashback CRAZY!)
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