Feb 25, 2006 19:00
lol so here are are my movie revies of the 2 last movies i saw, which happened to be both paul walker movies. This guys i have to admit in the past has made crapppppy movies excluding fast and the furious. but he has redeemed himself is his two new movies.
8 Below! very very fun, and half the movie goes to the humans and the other half focuses on the survival of the dogs. not bad and in the end will bring a few tears to your eyes. Paul does a good job portraying the owner of the dogs who is wounded emotianaly and mentally when he had to leave the dogs in antartica, duringd an emergency evacuaton during a storm. the next six months we see Pauls character struggle to find a way back to his pets. while this is all happening we see the struggles of the eight dogs go trough trying to stay alive trying to find food. I recomend it for everyone!
Running Scared! oh my god! i have to say the first 5 minutes of the film is so awesome and violent. this movie is RAW, violent and there will be 100 F words flying across the screen every 20 minutes. Paul walker plays a low lvl mob man who after a shoot out with some undercover cops, is given the task to get rid of the weapons that where used in the shoot out. yada yada yada one of the guns is taken by paul walkers kid's friend to use against his crack head father. this movie has alot of subplots, includding a very freaky part of the movie that will creep alot of you who watch it out. so i won't ruin it. the hockey rink part is so awesome that it will probably go down in history. this by far is my favorite movie of the year go see it!
lol enough rambling, life has been going great for me, now that i have gotten rid of a few people in my life, its like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulder. :)
*****error i originally called it Snow Dogs but i fixed it now!! thanks MYRANDA!!!!!