I have been enjoying my "Vacation" very much, not been doing much but nerding it up on World of Warcraft. caught up on a bunch of movies.
first i want to mention "SHopgirl" great freaking flick, good acting on the three main characeters. SAW II very decent horror flick alot of "Turn your head away" parts. "Prime" eh....."Chicken little" in 3D was very good no complaints.
I went to the store and was contemplaiting whether to buy a PC game or a PS2 game. well i bought them both. PC CALL OF DUTY 2, oh my god this is a very great and intense game, shooting germans and running away from grenades,tanks and machine guns.
watched Tremmors,Dracula (1992) Lethal Weapon 1 & 2, Titanic, Star Wars Episode III, Hook,Black Hawk Down, And american tail, Batman Begins.