How many fire alarms were there this morning between 2:30 and 3 AM? Oh... it was 7. That's right. I know I am prone to exagerrations, but I swear to you, it was literally 7. Not cool. I was asleep. Happily asleep. And then... I was pissed. I kicked someone. The kid who looks like a moron all the time. You know the one. Big hair, stupid look on his face all the time. He was wrestling with someone, probably intoxicated, he came close to me and I kicked him in the stomach. It was strangely satisfiying.
In other news...
- I saw Star Wars at the midnight showing on Thursday Morning. I liked it a lot better than the last two. Not bad. It tied everything together nicely I guess.
- We got into Willison for next year. YAY!
- Tim also is in Willison for next year. He lives on the second floor, I live on the third.
Yay for no more walking across campus to see Tim. Winter is going to be awesome.