Christmas Commentary

Dec 25, 2003 17:35

I love Christmas. I love to sit and chill and have a day to rest and celebrate Jesus. I'm not saying that there is something wrong with gift giving, when I have a family I will definitely make it a tradition, but I'm disgusted with our American Christmas. I know that there are people who celebrate Jesus' birth, but to so many it is just a big feast, a day to get. "All I WANT for Christmas..." Not that I can expect people to celebrate a Saviour they don't know, so it leads me to the conclusion of preaching the gospel. Of telling the truth, of being open, of being honest. How is it that we all think the things in life are so important? Name one thing that you do that matters so much? Nothing. None of it matters. None of the stuff. People matter, but if they don't know Christ, their lives are temporal and then they are eternally tormented. The Christmas gift is Eternal Life. Freedom from dumb ole religion, freedom from vice, freedom from hate, freedom from ________. (fill in the blank.) He is the plug to fill that hole in the soul. "This earth is my place of birth, I want the universe to know God for everything it's worth." Forgive me if my concern goes to the lost today, but I'll celebrate for those that are saved. And I do celebrate. I decided last night that I can't exclude those I know best from the people that I share the gospel with the most. In fact, they have to be the ones that I share the good news with the most. God is bringing all these people back into my life and I have said "if they go to hell, they will have to do so over my dead body!" Feliz Navidad...In the news, Perves Musharraf was almost assasinated again today. He stepped aside from being commander of the military of Pakistan, because of pressure from Islamists in his country. Another country that is at risk of becoming even more hostile than it already is and another country that may completely succumb to Islamic extremists. And guess what? This one is a verifiable nuclear power. The end may be soon...In Tel-Aviv, A homocide bomber (aka suicide bomber) blew up a bus at rush hour at a busy intersection. The pain goes on and on and on. Ishmael continues to despise Abraham's rightful heir. The sick thing to me is that the birthright given to Isaac (which is Jesus) is supposed to be a blessing for everyone. Including the Arab's! But we see that as they unwittingly are blinded by Satan, they are in effect, getting ripped off from abundant and eternal life. It makes me pray. I love the Arabs. The biggest thing that I've been realizing too is that somehow America has come to be seen as a "Christian" nation and the espouser of Christianity. Maybe if they came here they would see that Christian ideals are not what America propagates. So this blindness has led them to shun Christianity as a Western thing, something that they have come to see as contrary to their very lives. They have come to this conclusion not by personal experience, but by propoganda and hate that has been passed from generation to generation. Oh, the human heart is sick. I know that the Crusades are commonly cited as the evidence of western oppression and hate of Islam. I wish that Christendom would permanently abandon the term "crusade," because to the M. East it will always carry an insinuation of killing. I'm convinced the Crusades were just another example of hate carried out in the name of religion. If these middle-ages "Christians" were really following Jesus, they would not have been concerned in the least with anything to do with building an empire or conquering territory from enemies of the state, they would have been consumed with bringing peace to the sould of the Muslims with news of the one who was crucified in their place. Jesus said "My Kingdom is not of this world." That is why now, I don't really care about politics that much. I pay attention to what is going on in the world and I vote and all that. But the answer is not in politics and the answer is not in democracy. If someone has differing political opinions than myself, should I cause a rift with them thus ruining my chance to tell them about the One who really matters? never. Who cares about politics? I mean compared to a man's soul. I used to always argue about politics and "the issues." It was pride though. The same is in arguing about religion, if someone is rejecting Jesus or doesn't wan't to hear about Him, I will certainly pray for them and talk to them but what does arguing do? Nothing. The very truth about Jesus, disregarding the preconceptions of the individual, is in itself strong enough to shatter the religion that blinds that person's heart. I was reading today in Mark about Jesus and how the religious leaders always tried to trip Him up because they thought He wasn't following the law of God. In reality, He was God and they didn't want to accept it. God never fits into man's religion. That is why it was the "holiest", most religious of all the people that were the ones who put Him to death. So, I used to always argue with religious people. For instance I would always think it was so important to engage those who hold the faith of Joseph Smith in a conversation that challenges Mormon ideology. I didn't do it out of anything but sincerity that they would come to know Christ, but still it isn't the thing to do. I would rather not spend anytime debating and tearing down the doctrines of that or any other "church" (not that the task can't be done), because it is ineffective. It makes that person defensive and upset. More properly I would like to lift up Jesus and glorify Him as the personal God and Saviour in the fullness of the news (Man's depravity and need, God's promise, futility of religion, flesh appearance of the Son, crucifixion, resurrection, rebirth upon repentance, indwelling of the Holy Spirit) because in the light of Jesus everything else is seen as it really is useless and futile. He is Eternal....Wow, how did I come to that. I guess that's what journals are for, talking about what you really want to without having to have a rhyme or reason. Peace is on Earth. Goodwill is towards men! God loves everyone and wants everyone to come to Him freely and receive the Gift He has given which is Jesus. out.
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