i stole this from jackie <3

Jun 06, 2004 18:07

name: kristin
nicknames: k, kk, special k. 

current mood: i want to feel anxious.
current music: none
current taste: coca cola

current hair: pony tail 
current clothes: pajamas
current smell:wet air.

current thing i ought to be doing: this is exactly what i should be doing.

current windows open: none, it's way to gross outside.
current desktop picture: really amazing water.
current favorite band: weezer

current crush: sometimes i wish...

current hate: my job, suprise!

x.do i.x
smoke? only when i drink
have a reoccuring dream? nah
read the newspaper? monday-friday
believe in miracles? i do
believe it’s possible to remain faithful forever? i hope i always believe it

consider yourself tolerant of others? of some people i am...others not at all
consider love a mistake? i wish i could answer this
like the taste of alcohol? some of it
believe in astrology? of course...

believe in magic? harry made me believe
have any pets? jenna, my dog and the love of my life
piercings? 8 holes in my ears
have any tattoos? no

hate yourself? not at all

have an obsession? it changes weekly, sometimes daily
have a secret crush? no
have a best friend? <3 danielle <3
wish on stars? i should start
care about looks? somewhat. 
x.love life.x
first crush: kyle ware or matt white...i dont remember which came frist

ever been in love? no, isnt that sad?

do you believe in love at first sight? half of me says yes and the other half says no.
do you believe in "the one"? yes

x.word association.x
rubber = glove
rock = paper, sissors
wet = feet
green = eyes
cry = me a river

peanut = acorn
hey = dude
cold = hot
steamy = shower
fast = pace
freaky = friday
rain = cloud

hair: blonde
eyes: greenish yellow
height: 5'10

x.last person you.x
talked to: ashley

talked to on the phone: justin? nicki? one of them
hugged: justin
instant messanged: kim!
kissed: justin

x.have you ever.x
dated one of your best friends? no
loved somebody so much it made you cry? no
done drugs? yep.
broken the law? daily
run away from home? haha no.

broken a bone? i think my toe

played truth or dare? of course
kissed somebody you didn’t know? oh please im sure.
come close to dying? not that i can think of

x.random questions.x
what’s on your bedside table? lamp, book, clock
what movie do you always cry on? i dont really

if you could have plastic surgery, what you would have done? ew..no i'm too big of a baby

what feature are you most insecure about? depends on what day it is
do you ever have to beg? at work all the time
are you a pyromaniac? hahah...only about lnt..and buring it down
do you have too many love interests? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
do you know anyone famous? no
describe your bed? perfection
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