May 12, 2005 17:59
eww. i hate the titanic.
i also hate my job.
yes well. i havent seen emily in a while. and its sad.
i have eaten chinese foor three nights in a row. that is also sad.
gargly gorgly gergly
i hope i do something fun this weekend even tho i know im not going to do anything fun because I WORK ALL WEEKEND AND WASTE MY LIFE!!
i have had a clay akin song in my head all day. its rather uncool. i went to a museum. there were paintings. they were good. i threw a ball of meat at people. and then played hacky sack with it. UNTILL CHLOE KILLED IT WITH HER FOOT.
speaking of chloe. emily and i went to her house last weekend. it was special. we were having a rave. we stole jimmy's shoes. he is sad. and chloe wasnt home. but her sister was. she didnt want to rave cause she was talking to her boyfrind on the phone.
anyway...i havent had the chance to go to stewarts in a long while. i miss eric cause he's self consious and thats funny.
my cat is so fat. we bought him a bell to put on his collar. its really funny. but its good cause now i dont have to wake up to dting animals.
i love how i only have like one friend on live journal cause then i can lie. but i dont have to cause mylife is full of random shit to talk about. but one day i will lie. OH YES I WILL LIE GOOD.
well. back to telling the truth.
i have been SNIPPY all day and i yelled at a mentally handicapped bitch for staring at me today. she was looking at me and i was like WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT YOU FUCKING RETARD! yea it was mean. and bad. and i almost got in trouble. but i didnt. i dont know why. probly cause everyone wants to tell her to stop being retarded but they cant cause they know it wont help...its chromasomal.