Oct 31, 2006 02:19
What is it about empty cans that provoke people to stack them on top of one another?
The empty cans in question belong to a guy I used to date, who, with his roommate, assembled a giant pyramid of beer cans, and another of Mountain Dew cans and bottles. What. Is. The. Point? If you get drunk often enough to build a...anything...out of the cans you empty, then you're probably going to knock it down in one of your drunken stupors. Or someone who comes to one of your parties will. Stacking trash in a formation doesn't make it not trash. Throw away your garbage, recycle your cans and bottles, and use the space for...another guitar you never play, or something.
This was at the same house where, above the cabinets in the kitchen, empty liquor bottles covered every available inch of surface. I'd estimate that there were around 85/90 bottles up there. I don't get it. If I lived there, I'd just be reminded of the copious amounts of money I had spent on booze. And of the fact that, when I moved out, it was going to be a pain in the ass to take care of. Unless you could pass it off as art/sculpture or something..."This house comes fully furnished with the remains of an entire year of drinking. The medium: Glass and Wasted Tuition."
My point: Don't stack trash, unless you're working on a modern art masterpiece. If so, let me know when a gallery buys it, and I'll show up at the exhibit opening, naked, holding a flying pig, with my most sincere congratulations.