(no subject)

Apr 05, 2006 22:23

So I'm over here at my parent's house, using their internet because well, we're technically stealing our internet connection at my apartment, and lately it hasn't been working out for me.

So, I have a lot to talk about since my last post.

We're all settled in the apartment now, it's feeling definately like a home nowadays. I'm happy with the feeling of my bedroom, it doesn't feel like a strange room to me or anything anymore. Our kitchen is usually a little messy, but we aren't home all that often to care. I think Tricia tends to clean it more often then I do, I try to help as much as I can, but it doesn't always work out that way. Anyway, I REALLY APPRECIATE [YOU] TRICIA, SHE IS [YOU ARE] A FABULOUS ROOMIE.

I've also been working rapidly at Kohl's the past month, we had our quiet opening last sunday, and our Grand Opening is tomorrow. I'll be working from 2 until closing. Actually many other job related things have happened since I posted last, let me catch you up in a nutshell: Boston's closed it's doors permenantly due to legal reasons between the corp. and the owners. All of the employees were laid off, and I happen to be one of them. But no worries my dears! On those few weeks that I was working only at Kohl's, I was able to pick up extra shifts here and there and pull about 40 hours a week. And alas! Something wonderful did come along as well (and also in the baking world!) I am currently working part time as a cake decorator at Larson's Bakery, about 25-30 hours a week. My shift is 5am to 1pm (it's a little rough, it's true) but then I have the whole day to myself. Well, that is if I'm not working 2 to 10:30pm at Kohl's that night hahaha. So I'm using Kohl's to even my hours out, which isn't too hard because I'm earning $10 an hour at Larson's. It's been about a week at Larson's so far, and I am really enjoying it. It doesn't take much brain power, and it's very natural for me anyway, so no worries there.

I also have a boyfriend, his name is Jon[athon allen staehr]. I like him a lot. He is a student at Western Culinary Institute, he's twenty (yay!) and quite the handsome devil. He makes me laugh, and I feel so natural with him. He is a good match for me. He's half german, half swiss, blonde haired, blue eyed, and about 6'4". He is intelligent, and honest. He has a wonderful smile. He makes me feel special.

Ah, I think my laundry is finished, so I must end this here.

Hope to post soon?

Love ya, Allie.
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