Jan 29, 2006 00:36
AGHHSDFLKJLKjlkCMiaiujrta0pw49ur8 25
Being apointed credit for art has made me hate the subject with an unbridled passion, especially when the credit is awarded based on volume alone. I guess it makes sense in that they want people to actually be doing somthing, rather than slacking; but if you bust your ass and just end up with fewer pieces of high quality, credit shouldnt be taken away. Post Modern art is upsetting for me as well. Well, maybe its post modern artists, epsecially performance artists. It might be just me, but getting grass implanted in your back is to art what scientology is to science. Unfortionatly due to the "nature of art" its much harder to discredit someone.
Maybe I should just shoot a performance artist and call it a statement. Take that Orlan...