May 18, 2010 13:29
It's been quite some time.
I'm preparing. To live alone, mostly. But also to move on. Its bizarre. I feel like my body was squeezed and squeezed and squeezed, and everything I needed to shake free has been let go. There still are and will always be residual emotions. But for the most part, we're friends... the ease will come back with time.
On a more practical note, a lot of things I need are his. Like the knife block, complete with all the knives. The bed. All of the pots, and the pans. The cast iron skillet. All of the bookshelves. (Thanks to 18songs and painite, however, that may have been covered.)
I had nothing when I moved here from Yakima. $300 and a car full of clothes. Now, I have a full and established life. A budding career. Two of the most amazing kitties in the world. And my family.
I'm as excited as I am terrified. I really want to live alone. But there are the ever present thoughts; can I do this, do I make enough money, will I be lonely.
For the first time in my life, I'm proud of myself. I built this. I built me. And god damn it, its pretty awesome.