So? Today was pretty cool. Aside from my depression, I had alot of fun. Japanese was fun, aced the little 'quiz' he gave us at the end of the period. Went to lunch and Jerry brought cup cakes thanking us for being his friend...Not many people do things like that, it made me feel really good ^_^
Meeting Joe and Jerry was a good thing in my life, they are both so nice and...nice, I dont know. They dont cuss, and they compliment people alot. It makes me sad that we only caught them at the end though, graduation in May seems like such a short time.
After lunch me and Kame went outside to watch Carey and Mark spar (sp??). It was really cool and they did these sword swings and such, Oo, I feel so inadequate I dont even know what they were called >_<
After that Carey tought me how to hold the boken(?) and attack and block, after that I spared with him and it was so much fun ^_^
I did the same with Mark, it was alot of fun but really tireing. After that some losers came and tried to do it too, one guy was being an ass so I whopped on him, in a skirt non the less ^_^
Carey said he was proud of me so that made me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside XD
After that we went to anime club, talked to Jerry a bit. Drew, and then chitchatted. Went to the movies to see Corpse Bride again, it was cute. I would have gone out to eat but my mom was drunk told me we had to pick up the dogs. So bah. I think shes going to let me go to kareokee night so that will be cool.
So yes, that was my day, and then I read
uttersimplicity journal, and totally agreed with his post on gay marriage, posted. W00t.