Jul 26, 2004 12:10
Oh the tangled web we weave...
That about sums it up.
Sooooooooo much happening to me the past month with girls and dateing and going through every kind of emotion and type of situations... it is rather crazy and hectic.
Anyway, I have a headache. I partied my ass off yesterday and drank from about noon till midnight non stop. Not good... I still had my final exam paper for english 2 to do. So after the festivities died down, I hit the sack, talked to sarah for a little bit then slept for about 2 and a half hours so I could just get some kind of energy to work on my paper. Well, I felt like shit, I was hung over when I got up. I decided to drink abunch of coffee but that only made me sick and shakey. I felt like I was gonna throw up for most of the time and was up the whole night working on the paper makeing sure it was top quality. I did get real shitty feeling at one point and took an hour nap around 8am then got up and finished it got to school and turned it in with about 5 minutes to spare. Talk about cutting it close. He would of failed me if I turned it in any later. One of those pass or fail papers. Oh well, despite all of that, I feel I did an excellent job on it, I just gotta hope the grammar is good, cause I know the content is.
So anyway, this weekend was crazy, but there was so much goin on that could be incriminating, I dont think I should share it on here. If you wanna know specifics, call me or msg me on aim and I'll tell the details.
Anyway, Im gonna go lay down on a couch somewhere till my wieght lifting class starts, I need sleeeeeeeeeep.