Oct 20, 2003 22:50
Well I thought to myself at work today what could make my 12 hour shift of internet surfing worthwhile? and I thought for a good hour while I was checking out movies at Collagehumor.com and it finally hit me... update the motherfukking livejournal that I haven't really updated in over a month... You want to know why I haven't updated it..? No reason other then nothing really important happens to me other than work sleep and binge drinking... HAH! The long awaited return of the Naked Guy to the United States is coming ever so much closer... 19 days Whoo..! Even though I am not returning to Michigan untill December I can feel the Taco Bell and Non-Underage drinking get to my heart as it starts to beat slower. The 21st birthday was some fun puked 3 times 2 diffrent bars and beside my bed because I was too lazy to get out of bed and too drunk to make my way thru my room to the bathroom luckaly it wasn't much and mopped up easily when I woke the next morning... well that's all for now kiddies, Just remember if anyone trys to give you a triple shot of Wild Turkey... Pass on it because no matter how hardcore of a drinker you are... YOU WILL PUKE INSTANTLY!