May 13, 2006 18:46

to all who may be interested and who may possibly not know about it, there is a huge worship night going on at my church friday the 19th at 7 pm.
it is going to be crazy good and God is going to show up in so many awesome ways.
anyone is welcome, thought its is nearly entirely led by college aged people so it may be a bit more focused toward youth.
after an wild worship set we are going to open up the stage and you can bring your instruments if you want. wherever God leads people to be we will go; if people have a song they want to lead, yay, if people have a word they want to share, yay, if people just want to pray, yay.
i am so excited for what is going on in our church, but specifically this night.
God is doing incredible things in my life and our church and our community and i can not wait to see the results.

much love in christ our king

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