1. Real Name: Tatiana Oriana Selestina
2. Preferred Name: Tati...or Oriana...
3. Gender: Female
4. Age: I'm as old as Luffy...17 with the mind of a ten year old
5. Place of Birth: Santa Clara Cali...West blue basically xD
6. Television Show: Lost, Grey's Anatomy.
7. Movie: Speed Racer(2008) 28 Days Later, Watchmen, DBZ Cooler movie, Back to the Future I II III, Ghostbusters
8. Book: Mercy Thompson Series by patricia briggs, the edge chronicles
9. Animal: I like sharks, ducks, giraffes,koalas and fish
10. Character from One Piece: It's hard to decide I love them all.
11. Food:Pickles, Steak, tangy things, mildly spicy foods as well.
12. Beverage: Chai Latte from anywhere really. But also peach tea and orange soda
13. Marine or Pirate Pirates
14. White or Black White
15. Chinese or Japanese I like both
16. Large or Small For what? Peen size?
17. Angel or Demon Angel
18. Apple or Orange Apples keep teeth clean but Oranges are tangy...Both
19. Manga or Anime Manga doesnt have filler...But anime is more watched/viewed....
20. Large Dinner or Light Snack I can't handle a large dinner. Light Dinner
Threes (Put three for each of the following)
21. Describe yourself in three words: motherly goofy intellectual
22. Role-models: Monkey D. Luffy, Ryohei Sasagawa, Ozymandias, Racer X.
23. Pastimes: hanging with friends, watching movies with them and making commentary that makes the movies better than they are, reading manga online
24. Hobbies: reading,myspace rp, writing.
25. Least Favorite Characters: Ugh where do i begin?! I'd say that least FAVORITE would be Nami. She's awesome but can be a bit of a bitch.
26. Things you like about yourself: I can be able to act like on a substance but i'm not. Good for when you're hanging out with people who tend to drink and smoke
27. Things you dont like about yourself I put myself down and am self concious
28. Things you're good at writing and listening to others
29. Strong Points Motherly and a thinker
30. Weak points self concious and i let people step on me sometimes
Obviously i'm not Vic Mignogna