My beautiful yet masculine face~

Jul 12, 2008 23:06

1. Real Name: Ugh... L-laura *shudder*
2. Preferred Name: Ura or Jeeb
3. Gender: Biologically female
4. Age: 21
5. Place of Birth: Alabasta... I mean... Alabama. :|

6. Television Show: TV? What's that? I like watching Youtube poop, does that count?
7. Movie: The Princess Bride
8. Book: The Princess Bride ..... what? :|
9. Animal: Most big cats
10. Character from One Piece: Currently Kaku :>
11. Food: Pineapple!
12. Beverage: ...Pineapple soda!

13. Marine or Pirate Pirates have more fun!
14. White or Black To me, white is unused space, while black goes with everything. So, black.
15. Chinese or Japanese I like Chinese bootleg :B But Japanese culture, food, everything else >>;
16. Large or Small I like cute tiny electronic things, but I love big gigantic plushies... I guess it depends on what it is.
17. Angel or Demon I'd like to say I'm neutral... good nor evil.
18. Apple or Orange If it's juice, apple, if it's fruit, orange. If it's candy, apple. So maybe more apple.
19. Manga or Anime Nnn.... probably manga, because most of the time it's a close-knit group of people working on it, and the artistic quality is better. (and what's with the animation quality of the most recent episodes, anyway? it keeps swinging back and forth!!)
20. Large Dinner or Light Snack Light snacks are usually yummier... except if my brothers are cooking because they rock with the foods.

Threes (Put three for each of the following)
21. Describe yourself in three words: perverted, easygoing, obsessive
22. Role-models: My older brother, Steve Irwin, Eiichiro Oda
23. Pastimes: Collecting, Costuming, Visiting friends
24. Hobbies: Drawing, Listening to/collecting music, Aquariuming (keeping fish)
25. Least Favorite Characters: Hotori, Kotori, that shitty Tenryuubito guy
26. Things you like about yourself: my hands, my patience, my devotion
27. Things you dont like about yourself I procrastinate, I hate my boobs, I ramble and don't know when to stop talking
28. Things your good at baking CAKES, listening, typing lols
29. Strong Points Open-minded, spiritual, reads people well
30. Weak points Not really in shape :B, can't control my emotions, I space out a lot/have a short attention span

Finally, post at least one picture of yourself. Save cosplay pictures until after you’ve been stamped, please.

Hyurk hyurk hyurk. I swear this is the most normal picture of me I have. :|

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