久しぶりだね~♪╰( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Eh? I wondering what's new news from JUMPtachi there?
Ah sou da! Come on A My House PV desu ne! Miteimasuka minna? (≧▽≦)/~┴┴
Yuto-kun really looks kakkoi there desu ne ≧﹏≦♡
Ahh speaking of Yuto-kun, did you already see Yuto's new drama?
I want to see it but so many task in school now TT~TT
Oh yeah, maybe I'll often too post something in my LJ bcz I really don't know how to use it properly @( ̄- ̄)@
But I'll keep post something in here if I have a time.. Maybe I'll post some photos often (*¯︶¯*)
oYUTOsuminasai ne~♪
(ps: my cats kawaii deshou? XD #dorrr)
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