So many idiots, so much of my time to waste

Oct 08, 2007 05:37

Actual quotes from my Bio section:
"But if I have an 89 can't you just give me an A? This is my future, man."
"If you're doing your job we should all get A's. Doesn't that mean that you should just give us all A's?"
"But when I read the question I didn't see 'divided into', just 'and', so I thought the two went together. I think you should give everyone credit for the question because it was unclear."
And, my favorite (or the most depressing):
In response to being informed that SOME biology sections may simplify traits into inherited and genetic, though nearly all are both:
"I have to take the MCAT; can't you just teach it the way we're supposed to know it?"

I could take the first two, because they were from pre-Pharmacology students and I understand just wanting to knock it out, get a job that pays decently, and be able to support your family, but the third? Wouldn't an utter lack of intellectual curiosity be a clear indicator that MD is the wrong career path? And what kind of moron thinks the MCAT is going to ask as obvious a question as that?
Even more depressingly, the latter statement was precipitated by a true/false question.
I can't understand where all this griping comes from. A class with only multiple choice or true/false exam and quiz questions, where out of fifteen quizes you get to drop five, and where you get an automatic 70 just for turning your homework in is pretty much a gimmie. Do these people expect an A just for keeping the lecture hall seats warm?
This all leads to M and I having excessively smug discussions about how these people wouldn't last a day at Westover.
Ultimately I suppose this is most depressing because presumably at one point all these people were curious, wide-eyed five year olds who asked why, and life and/or our school system have somehow managed to break their spirits sufficiently that they panic when they catch a whiff of potential learning.
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