Living. Fully.

Feb 16, 2008 12:28

This is what I live for.
(from an e-mail my friend sent me.)

"That's why I'm drawn to you. There's this spirit and energy in you that reminds me about all the elements of life that just float around for us to grab at will. And its steadfast and unflinching. So many people's eyes sparkle or die or have flashes of excitement, brilliance, intensity. Yours are the most consistent eyes I've seen. They're always full that you can't necessarily decifer a single emotion from them. They're full like a tear while you're laughing and crying at the same time. Heavy, warm, deeply satisfying, but with meaning of its own that goes beyond what you can understand. You try to put meaning on it. Call it 'happy' call it 'sad' but you know, when you felt it on your cheek, it held more knowledge than you. Your eyes are so full that you have to look to the rest of you for more information. Your cheeks and lips... are they puckered or smiling, relaxed or posed. Your earlobes sticking out from the purple and black.
All the elements/energy/spirit I'm talking about bounce from the spirals of your hair, off your hips. Some land in that small bit of crack coming up from the back of your pants. Some land under your boots. Some just float into the atmosphere around you drawing more and more people your way.
If I could describe it better I would. But the thought warranted elaboration. There's a timelessness there. 'Hot' is not timeless. The word seemed so wrong...
Obviously I'm not one of the people that would think you're "the hottest person I've ever banged." But I did want to tell you what your physical beauty is to me. What meaning it has. (and I've obviously left out all the internal qualities that I adore...because we're only talking about exteriors)"
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