I saw 2 shooting stars last night/I wished on them, but they were only satellites

Mar 10, 2007 14:46

I love Kirsty MacColl. She's one of my favorite musicians and I won't get to see her perform until I die. Vexing.

I'm on Spring Break officially now. Woo! A week to do stuff! By the end of this break, I want the following to have occurred:

- My genealogy to be verified by the family history center. (This means they can sort out my mom's names and make sure they're actual relatives of mine.)

- The wedding thank you notes finally done. (Shame! So much shame! Please forgive me!)

- All of my pictures labeled, sorted even!

- Tag all of my LJ entries. But it does make me sad to see Spensaur's name "shrink" in my tags, even if I realize that it's a more accurate representation: This LJ goes back awhile and I racked up a lot of dating, exes, and other experiences before I got teh shmoopy.

- Wedding pictures hanging in the living room, along with other collages up.

Spen's filming somebody's wedding today, and while he's cranky about it, it's money and some of it is allocated to me for the framing of our wedding pictures. All mine! All mine!

Today I woke up and went to help out with our primary's* quarterly activity. It was so stinkin' cute! They all made passports and sat in chairs set up like the seats on airplanes. And then we "flew" to different countries in different classrooms, which were Honduras (one of the primary presidency just moved here from Honduras, I teach her son, he's named Carlos), Germany, and Japan. Of course each country had its own food to try, while we learned bits of language and stories. I had so much fun, and I think the kids had the same amount. I think the funniest was when we "went" to Japan and made sushi (just seaweed and sticky rice) and looking at their facial expressions and hearing kids say "I want to go back to Germany! I liked their food!"

Also went to see "the 300" last night at the IMAX (birthday for Spensaur!) and it was well-acted and visually stunning. I really liked it, except...way too much gratuitous nudity/sensuality. So other than the points where I had to look at the ceiling of the theater, most of it was incredible. And I'm so angry about the unnecessary sex scenes, b/c otherwise I would really like to own it. It was a bad-A movie that made me want to get buff and have a sword. Future baby name: Leonidas. You may not take it.

*BTW, primary is what the LDS call the Sunday school for kids aged 3 to 11.

marriage, spensaur, goals, movies, lds, wedding, family, family history, music, babies

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