Today is
224215152's birthday. She is 27 and next month is our 10 year anniversary of when we met. She is a grand friend.
Today is
mhovley's 24th wedding anniversary, along with her sister who got married on the same day. It is also her oldest son's birthday and he is 23. I have known Cosette for over 5 years. She is a grand friend as well.*
Today is Friday. It is a grand day b/c I'm done for the week and can recharge. I also had my spouse come to visit me at work and buy me lunch and more importantly an Oreo shake. He is a gorgeous man and my co-workers realize he is the Better Half, a fact I remember every day and remind him of it the same amount. (Spensaur also shaved as he does once a week and was wearing his dress-up-look-I'm-an-adult clothes for business meetings he had today, so he looked even more handsome.)
I also bowled today with my students. The kid I talked about yesterday was channelling Tinker Bell while he was bowling. It was disorienting.
And now, I should go do some work. But I'm grateful that it's Friday and I have such good friends, good students, along with having a nifty Spensaur.
*It's also the 9th anniversary of "Sluggy Freelance," but while it is a good comic it does not rank in celebration of a good friend's birthday and another good friend's wedding anniversary/child's birthday.