Did I do anything yesterday?

Oct 11, 2004 10:36

Er, I did my Sunday school lesson. And it was really good, if I do say so myself. But other than that and going to church, there was bupkis done. I took my bishop's wife home ("Both of my daughters took a car home and my husband's not going to be done for hours!"), went home and changed, checked my e-mail, and then went to the Laguna pad and slothed like a pro. I napped, I chatted, and I played Battleship with Josh Fauverlicious and lost (curses!). But here's the scary part -- We watched "the Princess Bride," all of the extras on the dvd...and then watched Ben play a RP video game for two hours!!!

The ironic thing is that I had just given a lesson on the Second Coming of Christ and asked my class if they were preparing themselves. I'm thinking if Christ had come right then, I would've asked Him to move from in front of the TV so I could watch Ben golf more monsters. But at least I got to talk politics with Mark, Suj, and Ryan. And as much as I hate the feeling of contention politics brings out in folks these days, I really miss bickering about it with my friends for fun. Can't take the DC out of the girl...

Today is my first day off. I've got laundry, cleaning, and eating the Unstable Fowl with Fauver. I might even skip FHE to do some more laundry. Ain't that a shame?

dating, suj, movies, bailey, faith, lds, politics, dc

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