Am I the only one who went "Oh crap"

Jun 28, 2004 12:14

when they read about the early hand-over of power to the hand-picked Iraqi of the US gov't? I want our soldiers out of there ASAP but I can't help but feel like our gov't is trying to wash their hands of a situation that is one gigantor clusterduck. Oh yeah, and the soldiers are staying. Pray to whatever God you believe in that they'll be able to come home soon and for the poor people of Iraq who are caught in the crossfire.

And in less controversial news, I'm starting my week of "Dang it, I'm going to actually do stuff!" It's off to a rocky start as I crawled out of bed at 11:45 AM (if you're in bed talking to one of your favorite exes, go to bed when you get off the phone. Don't go over to Suj and Marsha's and play Scrabble until 2 AM. Especially not with Mark, who cheats. Heh.), but I shall do stuff today, LiveJournal inhabitants as my witnesses.

On the agenda:

- gym visit. I bought a membership, I need to use it. No matter how retarded/like a poseur I feel when I'm there.

- house cleaning/organization. I don't care how much gets done, as long as it's something and I don't find myself writing e-mails to friends or reading a book in bed for the day instead.

- look up information on University of Ottawa. UoO isn't Canada, it's a night college that has education majors. Suddenly the appeal is apparent. If I'm to apply, I need info on the application, huh?

That's it. I get overwhelmed when I make 20,000 goals and then I don't do a darn one, so baby steps.

I also need to start stimulating my brain. It's sad when you get overjoyed from playing Scrabble b/c it's the first time you've had to use your brain in eons.

working out, politics, college, suj, goals, friends

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