Today was a good day, filled with fluff re: my impending wedding (where's that countdown ticker you always use for Danny's arrival, Cosette?) and the herding of my little psychotic sheep, and pinging from Amy, along with chatting to friends back home including my friend Amy from HS, Oh yeah, and getting my butt handed to me in virtual Scrabble by Joc. Eyen, for all of you out there is a real word. Heavn help me.
And then I get an e-mail from Amy just as she was talking about her visit out here in March (yay!) that says "call me and prepare to be UPSET." Now, the majority of my friends dabble in dramaticism ("drama, drama, drama"), but Amy is logical, straight-fwd, and very engineer-like. She's never exaggerated the 13 years I've known her.
Turns out it was to tell me that
a b/f I had in high school died. (You'll have to register to see it, I hope no one morally objects, it's got a picture of the adult Jrew and an article.) Anyone hear about that freak accident in the Inner Harbor in Baltimore? Yeah, well, that was Andrew "Roach" Roccella, my b/f from the end of sophomore year and through that summer. After we broke up with an appropriate amount of HS drama, we stayed good friends throughout HS and for about a year afterwards. As it happens, we went different ways and gradually faded out of touch, occasionally asking about the other through the rumor mill.
I remember this g/f, he's been with her/living with her for years. And now he's dead b/c of a freak accident.
I spent about a half hour on the phone with Amy, exchanging Anjrew stories. This kid was hilarious. Prolly not what you're expecting I might have dated. Well, sorta. He was a tall, skinny, pale redhead, but he was really normal and took pride in it. Played lacrosse, got buzzed at parties, did goofy stuff, was obsessed with Tic Tacs, and made me my first mix tape ever. He was a great friend and had a kind heart. His "big dream" was unusual in that his was normalacy. He wantedn to have kids with a wife who'd smack him when he was cheeky but loved him anyway and then he'd get old and go duck pin bowling with all the other old guys and her in Sicily.
To Andrew.