Nov 05, 2004 01:48
Hey all, I'm back from the dead! Or at least, back from the land of dead LJs :D Sorry I've been so quiet of late. Just didn't feel like I had much to say, I suppose. But of course, recent events have changed that. Quite throughly.
By now, we all know that George W. Bush has won his second term as President, and that both the Senate and House of Representatives now have a Republican majority in charge. So I won't drag that old news out anymore. What I want to know is this: who do you think should run on the Democratic ticket in '08? I know it's hard to even consider the future on the heels of such a depressing loss, but we must do so, for now, time is the only thing on our side. We've got four years to go, four years to get the Democratic Party back into shape, and every minute spent despairing or thinking of leaving the country is another minute wasted.
Getting back to the main point, I'd like to know who the various people on my friends list think should run in 2008. If you think it should be Hillary Clinton, speak up and let me know. If you think it should be Barrack Obama, speak up and let me know. If you think the Democrats should just go back to feeling dismay and sorrow over the election, you're probably a Republican, so I'm not even gonna pay attention to ya XP In all seriousness, as long as you're reasonably polite and have something constructive to say about who should run for the Democrats in the next election and how they can win, then speak up, whether you are a Democrat, Republican, Green or even a Libertarian. Because like I said, every minute counts.
Thank you for your time, be well, and tempt not the Fates :) Later.