Title: How to Love an Alien: Lesson Three
Fandom: X-Force
Disclaimer: I only wish I owned them.
Rating: none
Feedback: It's why I write.
Author’s Notes: Erm, this has actually been finished for some time and I only just realized it. ^^;; This one is some introspection on Julio's behalf during that time when they fought the X-Men. Ahhh, I have the issue, but I don't feel like searching for the number.
Lesson One |
Lesson Two They were fighting the X-Men. Fighting the X-Men. They were just kids, and the X-Men had been super-heroing for years, and not only that, X-Factor was also there. The odds were completely against them, and no one was really winning. It was one of those battles that couldn’t be won.
Under arrest, they’d said. Arresting them? Julio felt like they were trying to give them a time out for a disagreement. Now they were friend against friend, and it was so wrong. So Julio hesitated as Rahne approached, he hesitated, because he remembered his blushing first kiss with her. He remembered that he had fought so hard just to help her. Now here she was, and if they could just get over their differences, everything would be fine, but Rahne seemed to think the difference was with X-Force alone.
Nearby, his teammates were fighting hard. Shatterstar was taking on Wolverine without hesitation. That’s what Julio needed, some more determination. Except that Rahne was his friend, and Shatterstar just looked up to Wolverine, maybe even idolized him.
He saw it happen, saw Wolverine’s claws go right through Shatterstar, three blades of metal slicing right through his back. He screamed--Shatterstar’s name tearing his throat--and blasted Rahne away with a shockwave thoughtlessly.
And he tried to get to him, scrambling to his side, but before he could reach his teammate, he was thrown to the ground. He didn’t even know who had done it, as he lost consciousness, but he really wished he could kick their ass.
When he regained consciousness, he knew it was over. They’d placed power neutralizing arm cuffs on him, and now he was being led into a transport. Rahne watched on. He threw her a withering glare, hatred stabbing him through the chest. You don’t understand. How could you ever understand? his gaze asked her.
She refused to meet his eyes, and he turned away. His attention fell instead on a sullen figure slumped against the opposite side of the transport. His mouth fell open and he shook his head slowly. Shatterstar was sitting there, bruised and pale, his uniform ripped and tattered and blood-stained, but otherwise whole and healthy. Julio immediately went to his side, sitting down next to him. Shatterstar was silent, and didn’t even acknowledge his presence.
Julio nudged him with his leg, as his hands were constrained. “You okay?” he whispered.
Shatterstar grunted in response. Julio realized immediately what was wrong. Shatterstar was a sore loser.
“We were outnumbered,” he murmured to him. “And against the X-Men? There was no way. I mean, you were fighting Wolverine, for Christ’s sake. You shouldn’t even be alive.” He bit his tongue at the angry look Shatterstar gave him. “I mean, I didn’t mean it that way. You’re a good fighter and all but Wolverine.. he’s a murderer.”
“So am I,” Shatterstar said coldly. “Please stop talking to me.”
And Julio shut up. But he stayed by his side anyway, and thought that maybe for all his sulking, Shatterstar appreciated it.