Title: Idol love (request from suzukitakaki)
Author: yukime
Pairing: Yabu Kota/Suzuki Airi
Rating: G
Summary: They been together secretly for years, since 2007! Yabu loves airi and wants to be her for the rest of his life. One day airi and yabu are in the park at night and some of hey say jump and some c-ute members found them kissing. What will happen to them after their found out?
~Phone ringing~
Once she heard her phone’s ring tone, Airi quickly went through her bag to find to little gadget. She smile once she saw the caller ID, and straight away press the green button for starting the conversation
“I miss you” the voice from the other end of the line said once he hears the sound of the phone got picked up, Airi chuckles and blush real red
“I miss you too” Airi said, making the person receiving the words smile widely
“What are you doing?”
“C-ute is having a dance practice, we’re on a break right now. How about you?”
“JUMP is having a photo shoot for Duet magazine, I just finish my shoot and I realized I miss you so I call you”
“I’m sure you look handsome right now right?”
“Of course, I’m always handsome. That’s one of the things you love about me” Airi laughs “Don’t over work yourself alright? Or else you’ll be sick”
“Yeb, you too ne? And don’t forget to miss me too”
“of course I won’t. I think about you all the time. How about you? Will you miss me?”
“of course, how could I not? Oh sorry Kota, I got to go the teacher is coming now” Airi said in a hurry
“No prob, I’ll call you tonight. Love you Airi”
“Love you too” Airi said and they both hang up
“Who were you talking to?” Chisato ask her friend
“huh? No one, why?” Airi ask, her heart beating fast
“nothing, I just saw you giggling and smiling and was wondering that’s all” Chisato answer with a smile. Airi sigh in relieve and continued her dance lesson
“Yabu, can we go sleepover at your house tonight?” Hikaru ask
“err…err..” Yabu hesitate for while but nodded
“yes! Everyone, we’re going to Yabu’s after the shoot” Hikaru said aloud and walked out the room to tell the rest of the members
“I need to tell Airi to go online today then. Since I can’t talk on the phone” Yabu quickly got his phone out from his pocket and text Airi
The shoot is finally done and the boys all went to Yabu’s home, chilling playing games and watched TV. Suddenly, C-ute’s pv ‘kiss me’ appear on the tv
“Wow!! They look so pretty” the all said
“I like Chisato, she’s really cute” Hikaru said
“I really like Airi, she’s good at dancing and also have a great voice as well. Also she’s really pretty” Yuya complimented about Airi, making everyone teased him except for Yabu who kept quiet and wasn’t saying a word, he keep on watching the pv with his laptop on his lap waiting for Airi to invite him for a conversation
“I wish she could be my girlfriend” Yuya continued, now Yabu turn his attention to Yuya with an annoyed face, suddenly a window appear on his laptop screen
AiSuki<3: I got your text, seems like you’re having fun ^^
Yabu90: I want to hear your voice T_T
AiSuki<3: Aww~ cheer up Kota. Enjoy yourself a little, it’s not like every day all of the members are going to be there at your house. Enjoy the moment ^^
Yabu90: you always think the positive, that’s another thing that I love about you <3
Aisuki<3: ^////^
Yabu90: Aww~ my baby is blushing. I want to see your blushing face
AiSuki<3: You’ll get to see it soon. Don’t forget on Friday night
Yabu90: Already counting down the time, can’t wait to see you
AiSuki<3: Me too ^^
Yabu90: oh yea, I just seen your new pv. You look beautiful
AiSuki<3: Thank you ^^, but the girls looks really nice too right?
Yabu90: Yea, Hikaru said Chisato-chan is really cute. And it seems that Takaki have a crush on you
AiSuki<3: Really?!
Yabu90: Why are you getting all excited? I’m the jealous type you know?
AiSuki<3: I know, I just want to see your reaction ^^ *laughs*
Yabu90: Airi~
AiSuki<3: you’re so cute, my mom ask when are you going to come over again?
Yabu90: I would love too, I’ll find the time
AiSuki<3: it’s already late right? It’s already 11 pm
Yabu90: Yea, are you going to sleep now. Cause the guys already going to sleep and you should too. You need to rest
AiSuki<3: Yea, I’m so tired. Sweet dreams Yabu <3
Yabu90: don’t forget to dream of me ^^ Love you
AiSuki<3: love you too
-Sign out-
My third story, new pairing too ^w^
requested from suzukitakaki ^w^
suzukitakaki: hope u like it ne? ^w^