Jul 17, 2004 01:41
Yay! Leann says that she likes the curtains I bought her to go in her Hawaiian theme room in the new apartment! Personally, I still haven't decided if I think that they're cute... or if they're tacky, lol. But Leann likes them so I will be buying a couple more tomorrow (apparently you kinda need to have the actual width of the curtain material like two or three times the width of the window you're putting the curtains up in, so she needs one more in each of the sizes). Hopefully they look great in the new apartment!
In other, not as happy-go-lucky news, my poor Tim had his upper wisdom teeth removed today- ouch! Overall, he shouldn't have as much trouble (aka pain) as he did when his lower two were removed a few years ago, but it's still not a lot of fun. Hehe, it was funny though when he got out of the appointment said something along the lines of he "fickered" (figured) that such and such was going to happen, lol. He didn't garble too many words, however, so I couldn't poke fun at him too much (unfortunately...). Instead, I drove him home and stayed at his house a few hours, reading, watching TV, eating, and chopping the noodles in the Campbell's chicken noodle soup into smaller pieces in the hopes that Tim could try to digest it with minimal chewing.
But it's time for bed. I'm off for a nine-hour day of money making at JCP tomorrow. Feel better soon, Tim :-)