(no subject)

Aug 13, 2004 11:07

"Are you still mad at me boy?" I whisper and grab his hand hoping he wont pull away
"It's ridiculous" he says, and "I need time" Well Im sorry but every minute I'm not trying make things right with him is tearing me apart. He goes into kiss me and then stops two seconds away from my lips. I sigh and say "I just want to save whats left of this relationship.." then I kiss him quickly and giggle "You need to shave" but the beautiful boy isen't laughing. "This isent a relationship! If it was a relationship you wouldent have kissed my best friend. Or my drummer. OR my skate buddy." Tears start to fall out of no where and I get off his bed and search for my sandals. "Your right" I say through far from graceful sobs "This isen't a relationship. If it was you would have hugged me by now. You would have kissed me by now. You would have forgave me by now." And I walk out of his house. Right past the bus stop and the 45 minutes home.He doesent call that night, or the next. This boy is everything right in my life and I just cant stop doing wrong.
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