Jan 18, 2006 14:01
(Daniel sent me a very nice, almost personalised LJ-nudge message. >:|)
Ok, I'm in the University now, studying, right?
And for some reason my Eyeson attendance dropped.
Probably anime, or something.
I just haven't had the heart to rejoin the community. Not for any particular reason, I just didn't feel like I could contribute. I was part of Eyeson for four, five years, the womb-time of my Internet prepubescentage. I was a chick who left the nest.
Another reason is a nagging feeling that if I tried to join the community surrounding Eyeson, I could not keep on contributing - I have many other interests (and I've practically replaced Eyeson from my life with another board that has interests that coincide with mine other than Square-games and anime and stuff related), and I don't feel like I can take part in all of them.
I *have* been reading LJ... Well, on and off. But that is mainly because of non-Eyeson people (this happened after everything became "blog" this and "blog" that). I daren't reply to posts by Eyesonians because then I might have to bind myself into further social contact, which might lead to disappointment on all sides. For some time, I kept on searching on Eyeson for variations of my name, to see if people talked about me (but I did that when I was part of Eyeson (it was a later development - easier to keep track on where I should be, besides, it strook my ego to see my name used), but that stopped when I became a ghost for Eyeson - someone like, oh, other oldbies who just faded away, like, say, Krel.
Anyhow, I'm not dead, I'm not unhappy with Eyeson, I am not angry with Eyeson or with the people of Eyeson. I just took to change, and then locked the change around me like a cage. My new internet-life - the stuff after the cocoon-period I enjoyed at Eyeson - has kept me in its vices for soon a year and more, and it has become my new routine.
In fact, I have been contemplating on removing Eyesoners from my LJ-friends lists - only to keep you out of my reach and beyond this strange temptation and remembrance - but I've never done it in fear that someone might notice, and feel snubbed.
Today I might change the direction I take with my relation-non-relation with Eyeson. It doesn't seem very healthy to only lurk my old best friends.
WHEN I THOUGHT I WAS OUT, THEY PULLL ME BACK IN *does pulling back in handsign*