Naughty Mao strikes again! *dies*
Mao butt -
Or is it? =P
My moms been sick these past 2 weeks after having had a bad reaction to new medication shes on. Today i was washing her laundry for her while she rests. I walked into the door and i didnt see her but the television was on. I figured she was maybe in the bathroom or something. A news program was airing a video of a building in Manhattan that was on fire. I was slowly walking as i stared at the tv wondering what was going on... Suddenly i hit something hard and i looked down and it was a chair with my mom sitting on it! She was at her computer and i totally walked into the back of the chair. It was pretty funny. I cant believe i didnt see her sitting there when i walked into the door lol! I felt like Miss. Magoo. You know Mr. Gagoo? The clumbsy old man cartoon character? Well im the female version of him! GAHHH! =P
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