If you have those feelings of wrongness, there can be a lot underlying it. A couple things I would suggest:
- talk to someone. Whether it be taking a friend out for a drive and just talking through it, a random homeless guy on a bus or going to a few counseling sessions, whatever. Oftentimes talking, even without solutions, can get you feeling better and give perspective.
- get a hobby. Preferably a physical one, with other people involved. It'll give you something else to excel at, an outlet for your energy, and you might meet some new people along the way. There are all sorts of things you can do with your extra time - team sports, martial arts, climbing, volunteering, book club, cooking class, homebrewing, music, school... the list goes on.
- get some exercise. Sometimes when I just can't shake off a feeling, I'll go do something physical. Run up and down some stairs, workout, ride a bike, climb a mountain, fighting, jumping jacks, etc. Our bodies are made to be used and stressed physically, but most of us don't have lives that require hard work. Exercise is a natural stress reliever - gives your body the right mix of chemicals to feel good again. I know it sounds silly, but a lot of psychological problems are physical. A good run might be all you need.
- don't worry about the channel. Everyone appreciates you running the server for us, keeping it online, etc. And you are even a good moderator. But you don't need to put out every fire and dry every eye. Big groups encounter drama. Do what you can, but don't lose sleep over it. It's a lesson I've had a hard time learning, but you can't make everyone be nice and love each other all the time. You can always take a page from Machiavelli's playbook - leave a worse tyrant in charge for a while, and your return will be praised. :D
All in all, your intellect is right - your life is good and you're doing good things with it. If you can't shake the doubts and worries, try to do something a little different outside of yourself. I think you like the general shape you've made your life, now you just need to see about filling in some of the gaps.
- talk to someone. Whether it be taking a friend out for a drive and just talking through it, a random homeless guy on a bus or going to a few counseling sessions, whatever. Oftentimes talking, even without solutions, can get you feeling better and give perspective.
- get a hobby. Preferably a physical one, with other people involved. It'll give you something else to excel at, an outlet for your energy, and you might meet some new people along the way. There are all sorts of things you can do with your extra time - team sports, martial arts, climbing, volunteering, book club, cooking class, homebrewing, music, school... the list goes on.
- get some exercise. Sometimes when I just can't shake off a feeling, I'll go do something physical. Run up and down some stairs, workout, ride a bike, climb a mountain, fighting, jumping jacks, etc. Our bodies are made to be used and stressed physically, but most of us don't have lives that require hard work. Exercise is a natural stress reliever - gives your body the right mix of chemicals to feel good again. I know it sounds silly, but a lot of psychological problems are physical. A good run might be all you need.
- don't worry about the channel. Everyone appreciates you running the server for us, keeping it online, etc. And you are even a good moderator. But you don't need to put out every fire and dry every eye. Big groups encounter drama. Do what you can, but don't lose sleep over it. It's a lesson I've had a hard time learning, but you can't make everyone be nice and love each other all the time. You can always take a page from Machiavelli's playbook - leave a worse tyrant in charge for a while, and your return will be praised. :D
All in all, your intellect is right - your life is good and you're doing good things with it. If you can't shake the doubts and worries, try to do something a little different outside of yourself. I think you like the general shape you've made your life, now you just need to see about filling in some of the gaps.
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