Jun 27, 2007 01:19
[Seven Things I'm Experiencing Now]
1. Blah-ness
2. Sleepyness. Its effing hot and dry~
3. Overconfidence. I'll study tomorrow. Still 2 days. XD
4. Irritation.
5. Fretting.
6. Boredom.
[Seven Things I'm Thinking About Now]
1. Yaoi.
2. Have to download Bond soon.
3. Have to replace my sayangs AC cord and battery. Guh.
4. TV
5. My usual Internet haunts.
6. Karaoke on Tuesday.
7. Will I be happy/successful in the future?
[Seven Things I'm Worrying About]
1. My hair.
2. Tomorrow.
3. My lost pen drive. Daddy Dearest would be on an infanticide/daughter killing in a weeks time.
4. CMC of SDS.
5. My Love.
6. Moral and Inter Personal COmmunication papers.
7. Would I wake up genki tomorrow?
[Seven Things I'm Happy About]
1. MIKA.
2. Mom Pom.
3. -
4.-7. None.
[Seven People I Treasure]
1. Mom Pom
2. God Mom Pom
3. Daddy Dearest
4. Minou
5. Myself when it is successfull.
6. My future seme/uke.
7. The person who would sign my degree.
[Seven Things I Always Touch or Come In Contact With]
1. Laptop aka sayang
2. Handphone, Wallet, Watch
3. Matress
4. Bolster + pillow
5. Sayang's bagpack
6. Hair brush
7. My boddyyyy *Ursula the sea witch vibes*
[Seven Things I Want to Improve]
1. My laziness. Well opposite of it.
2. My intelligence.
3. Grasp of languages.
4. Financial condition.
5. Skills.
6. Relationships.
7. My Life, overall. (And obviously plagiarism skills)
[Seven Things I'm Strong In]
1. Proscratinating.
2. Sarcastic remarks. I have a 'laser' mouth =)
3. Gossiping.
4. Sleeping.
5. Finding ways in escaping reality.
6. Being strong mentally, pcycologicaly, socially.
7. Surviving.
[Seven Things I'm Weak In]
1. Maths.
2. Being stereotypically beautiful and size 0.
3. Hedonism
4. Being a better freind/whatever relationship titles with you.
5. Talking.
6. Handling situations.
7. Time management.
[Seven Things I Adore Eating]
1. Choclate with nutty centres.
2. Chinese cuisine
3.-7. Air.
[Seven Things I Adore Drinking]
1. Water/Sky Juice
2. 7. Sweet and drinkable,yo.
........ *gives up at this point* Take it over KP-san. *dies*