To my only love left in my harem.

Nov 17, 2008 06:32

I procrastinate so badly Fannie-chan. TT_TT
I started on it November 1st for an hour. And then let it go to rot till today. I keep telling myself: "finish it up,bitch."
But I just am too.. blah to finish it. TT__TT
I fail.
Today I took 2 hours rereading your lj from the beginning to the end for the heck of it. ( XDD )

And now, when Im done with your entries I feel energized to start and finish on what I have started 2 weeks ago. Im telling myself once I wake up I shalt sit and use you as my muse to bloody hell finish it.
Please please please let me somehow stay true to this feeble promise and not dissapoint you much and yet again ,ne precious?
Please. Hold my hand again from thousands of miles away. ;-;
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