About freaking time.

Jun 01, 2006 14:54

My sister-in-law was pregnant with twins and we knew she was due earlier this year. For MONTHS I've been harping on the hubby to call his family to find out when they were due then what they were and all that. For MONTHS he said he was unable to get a hold of any of them. Uh huh. Well I don't have long distance on the phone (we will once Sunrocket is installed). So I harp and harp and harp on him and tell him, CALL today otherwise feel my wrath so he calls. My SIL had her twins - fraternal! One boy, one girl! Yea!!! My boys make the only identicals in the family! She now has four children - two girls and two boys, the eldest is a girl, middle a boy and the twins are one each but I don't know who is older.

It'll be nice if we do go to Boston this August for his cousin's wedding. It'd be nice to see the in-laws and for them to meet our children (except the oldest two whom they met).

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