Mar 12, 2007 10:43
Onci: l*ooks around and sees no Nairi, relaxes and sits down. Has D/L’ed Born Under a Bad Sign and is about to seriously perv on some evil!Sammy torturing Dean action*
Nairi: *Sneaks up behind victim, lines her up then runs and scales Beezlebubba to launch a full scale attack on Onci’s knees* Ahhhh! Die die! Die! Why. Won’t you succumb to my superior evilness!
Onci: Nairi? Why are you biting my knees!
Nairi: I will cripple you with my bite of power! Now… give me snack! No wait SAMMYYYYYY WANT Sammy! No! Dean! Gimme Dean, must bite his nose. No.. snack! *shivers*
Onci: Uhhh you been hitting the fermented fruit in the composter again?
Beezlebubba: I am not sure about that, but someone is in serious need of a claw trim
Nairi: *crawls onto computer desk and stands in front of Attached Monitor Scrying Tool bounces between it and the speakers, checking out the webcam on the way by* I can hear you… I can see you… I will vanquish you. Now! *launches attack at screen, spilling cup of tea on the way*
Onci: Hey! *throws once clean tee on tea spill and collects ferret who is exacting her revenge on a 2D image and some power cables* Nairi, what is up with you?
YED: She is finally fulfilling her destiny!!
Onci: Okay enough of that… no one around here has a destiny, including Sammy over there *points at Muppet!Sammy, who stares back at her vacantly, then points to Sammy on the screen*
Nairi: Bugs! Bugs everywhere! ZOMG!
Onci: Wait.. *sniffs breath* Hey… Where the hell did you get chocolate?
Nairi: The lights are so bright… Lucy in the sky with diamonds… Lucy in the sky…
Onci: Man, you are gonna be a bitch when you come down. *tucks ferret in hoodie pocket and goes to find out where she hid the chocolate, pilfered from the great birthday caper (As Onci cannot eat chocolate)*
Nairi: Vengeance will be mine! All Winchesters shall suffer! All… *counts* twenty eight of them
Onci: *sighs* Just sleep is off there, Buckaroo Bonzai
[a/n: Chocolate is very dangerous to ferts as the sugar can give them insulima. Rest assured Onci found the rest of the chocolate Nairi had pilfered from the bag Onci had bought to bring into the office for her birthday. Who knew a fert was so skilled at opening candy bags?]